Thank you, Graham, for introducing us to Mr Wise, it was a great episode .The conversation was very insightful and looking forward to listening more at the after party.

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Wonderful therapist, podcast Wise's talk was very educational. He uses his expertise and techniques to heal the mind and body, talking about perspectives, faith, emotions, and thoughts. I enjoyed the part about self-control. There were some difficult topics, such as human weaknesses and invisible emotional changes, but he spoke honestly. The profession of a psychological counselor is wonderful. He touched people's hearts and souls and was there for them. Graham It was a wonderful talk, thank you very much.

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I really loved this podcast! It connects very clearly with Mathamagical. Very insightful! Thank you.🙏 The sense of self and the awareness of the power of our own choices are the keys for a happy life. But sometimes we unconsciously want to wallow in grief or unhappiness because it makes us more likely to get sympathy from others. And sometimes we really need that. I have noticed this in myself now. I am not ready to stand on my own again yet. I want to be carried a little longer... I'm looking forward to the after party!

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Excellent podcast, Graham and Jerry. I found it to be very educational and practical, entertaining and helpful, impactful and fascinating. Well done.

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I am so grateful to Graham and Jerry. I will be watching this one again - don't know how many times.

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I really enjoyed this podcast. Jerry brought up some points that I have never thought of before. Great podcast.

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The best and most helpful podcast yet. Thank you, Graham.

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I agree 100%.

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You're very wise Jerry Wise. Life is full of a bunch of systems and the systems approach is foundational as a starting point. It is like building a structurally sound home in which it can be individually customized. Love the way you communicate. The dialogue between You and Graham was very enlightening!

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I looked forward to this podcast since your teaser. I have a master's degree in trauma and I am excited that Mr. Wise approaches his therapy from a place of healing trauma and then healing self. The most inflential part for me was when he said "giving up guilt and shame, leaves us with the question of 'Now who am I?'" This is a question that many times people who are healing from past trauma do not even know they need to ask. We have been so intermeshed in the hurt of the past that we don't even see that we are walking lost. This is a wonderful introduction to what truly healing from one's past looks like. I thank you for bringing this to all of us on the network.

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Thank you Graham, I was so impressed with Jerry Wise that I will start reading reading his material as he struck a chord within me. There are fears I would like to resolve but admit I am not yet ready to take that leap of faith, and I hope that will pave the way for that to start happening as Jerry said. I also loved "Anything worth doing is worth doing poorly" because I am the type of person who wants to be good at something immediately when trying it for the first time but have to learn that with patience comes fulfillment! I very much look forward to the after party. Also, I was sorry to miss out on the 1:1 conversations you were offering on your Pillar website and hope you will offer more in the future!

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Really enjoyed this podcast,. Great magic painting.

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Great Podcast Graham!! Very informative too. 🙂

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I will have to listen to this one a few more times because it’s so rich in information. I was a Special Education teacher with high school kids and I stepped away from the classroom about five years ago. One of the things that I noticed about kids is that they have to want the assistance whether it’s a learning need being addressed or if it’s something that a counselor, therapist, or Social Worker was trying to help with. What some might not realize is that therapy is work and you have to be pliable along with willing to actually do the work. I love how this guest put everything back on the patients when he was describing a married couple. I learned about Jim Faye from The Discipline with Love and Logic Institute through in service opportunities as a teacher. He is famous for saying come up with a key phrase and then ask a question in order to put the kid in a thinking state. After kids would throw a fit in my classroom, I would say bummer so what are you going to do now? I wasn’t giving in to them and I was simply guiding them.

I really, really, REALLY enjoyed this podcast as a former Special Education teacher with children and also someone who is now divorced. I was married to a narcissist and I didn’t realize that there were different types of narcissistic people. I will have to look into that more definitely.

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Thanks Graham for having this guy on and I am very curious about his work as someone that plans to go back to the classroom at some point. I’m also curious about his work for other reasons definitely as well.

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Jerry made me smile -- so authentic.

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. A man of faith I enjoyed each minutes, I can use some of it in my own life and my family.

Thanks Graham, as always another great

Interview. The magic painting is a part I wait for.

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Mr Wise was an awesome guest!

He is a very interesting and down to earth man, that many of us can relate to.

Extremely well educated without being pompous.

I thoroughly enjoyed this Podcast Graham.


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