Now What?
I looked myself in the mirror and said, “If this is cancer and I only have a year left, is this the life I want to be living?”
That was the start of a new chapter in my life which later was condensed into one simple question, “What has the time come for in my life?”
This spawned my podcast and my latest book of poetry both called, “Time Has Come".”
Maybe you’re at this point in your life. You can feel deep down that you cannot continue with your life the way you have been previously living. Something has to change.
My name is Graham Wardle. This is where I share my journey to inspire your own courage and faith to follow your heart into the next chapter of your life. I encourage you to step out into the unknown and create your life from an aligned and empowered place.
Podcasts, newsletters and inspirational writing designed to give you the strongest footing for your own leap of faith.
Maybe you’re looking for a change, a big move or a recommitment to something that has lost its spark in your life. Where ever you’re at, we all have the opportunity to step out into the unknown and create a deeper and richer experience of life.
The best part is you will be provided for and blessed beyond your imagination. I am now so grateful I am in great health and living my life aligned with my purpose and mission. This is what I want for everyone.
My goal is to strengthen your foundation with thoughtful questions and points of contemplation.
The time has come to take the leap.
I’ll see you on the other side.
Continued Blessings,