Thank you, Graham, once again for putting together January's Writer's Challenge. I loved participating in the challenge and found your weekly prompts very helpful. I also truly enjoyed listening today to everyone who shared their poems and thoughts. I even got way out of my comfort zone and went in front of the camera for the first time ever here on Substack!🫣

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You were beautiful. Inside and out!

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Thank you, Graham, for all your hard work putting this challenge together. Your prompts from week to week were extremely helpful. You got me out of my comfort zone starting with Project Eagle and am very grateful to you for that.

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Thank you for this opportunity to stretch and grow and experience and try new things. Who would have thought that I would do something like this? Not me! And thank you for your patience while I attempted to connect. Substack requires a few extra buttons!

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Graham, this event was awesome, it was so great hearing members read their writing, you get a feel for the emotions in the writings. As I said, I loved both of the writing challenges you have created, having themes for this challenge was a great addition. Thanks for inspiring and encouraging us to take steps out of our comfort zone to grow, try new things and become more connected to with God, our inner guide and the "angels" that are always there for us. Blessings!

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Graham thank you for doing the January writing Challenge. And thank you for letting me read my poem as well as the others that shared theirs. Thank you for letting my babble on. I truly hope that there will be another challenge in the future so we can grow more and stretch our minds. Thank you again Graham have a wonderful evening cheers.

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Thank you Graham for once again pushing us out of our comfort zones. The January writing challenge was wonderful and a true blessing for me. The prompts and activities helped me to push through my uncertainty each week.

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During this January challenge it was so wonderful to get to know the members of this community through their beautiful words. I also enjoyed writing and my own internal growth throughout. Thank you, Graham, for this amazing opportunity.

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Thank you graham for the quick replay. I missed a lot because I was not able to connect right away. I'm not sure what happened. Could not connect on my phone at all, so never had the opportunity to speak. So let me just say right now.I loved this challenge. You know I'm not the best writer, but I sure try. At first I thought it was going to be difficult because of the assigned topics, but as I sat down and started working through it all, I realized that it turned out to be easy to concentrate, on one particular thing to write about. I did manage to get four poems out. I feel like the same as the August challenge. Once again, I surprised myself and I really stepped out of my comfort zone. Thank you again so much, Graham. I really appreciate the opportunity to do this and to participate and challenge myself. Now let me go watch the replay and see how much I missed!!!😊🙏🏻❤️👏

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Graham, thanks for the challenge and for allowing some to share their heartfelt poems in the live. Your dedication to bringing out the writer in all of us is a blessing! I would love to encourage anyone who found a new love (or even an uneasy like) for writing to join a small community of creative people on Tuesday Creations on Substack. It's a great place to connect and be encouraged to grow and expand your creative endeavors. For those who would have liked to have shared in the live event, but ran out of time, we would love for you to share your work in our group! The poetry I saw in the challenge was very inspiring and heartfelt!

Check out https://tuesdaycreations.substack.com/ There is a small membership fee if you want to become a contributor on the site, but you can read much of contents for free. All are welcome! Thanks again, Graham, for allowing me to point to our site!

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Tuesday Creations with the weekly themes has helped me grow as a writer in a safe, supportive place. Looking forward to seeing writings from new members.

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It's a highlight of my week to see what members share around the themes. We're all growing together!

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Cathey, thank you also for creating a safe place for us "wantabe" and experienced writers to share weekly. How fun would it be so see some new creators?!

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Thanks for sharing each week! The more the merrier.

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Thank you every one for your awesome entries in this writing challenge! Beautiful insightful thoughts and words to express your writing talent for us all to enjoy! Thank you Graham for initiating this challenge and supporting everyone in their effort to write from their hearts and sharing with all of us. Next time I am going to try to have the courage to turn in what I have written. I did write something but I did not pass it along. I’ll do better next time . I’ve made that promise to myself! Next time!

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Can anyone join or just experienced writers? Sounds like fun !

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Anybody! I am a “wannabe”! All are welcome. Check it out! Karen, submit it now. You’ve got this. Take the plunge.

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Maybe I will this weekend. I ‘ll try as I wait on the Super Bowl to happen. It is 12 midnight here and hard to hold my eyes open so I must turn in because I have a big day tomorrow. I’ve got to get some sleep in order to be able to function. Have a good night’s rest and thanks for the encouragement.

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Cathey, thanks to you and all the members of Tuesday Creations, for motivating us to write and share our poems.

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It's all my pleasure! All the member are the creators, I just organize. 😊

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Thank you so much Graham, for creating the January Writer’s Challenge—it was truly inspiring and an amazing experience for me! I loved the live celebration of the Writer’s Challenge, with the reading of some deeply touching and emotional poems.

Thanks again, and have a great night! 🙏🏻😴

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Graham, I always appreciate the thought and meaningful work you do behind the scenes to help the members of your community grow and thrive. The writing challenge was well planned out with guidelines and prompts to assist many of us who find writing a bit of a stretch, like me. Surprisingly, I was able to produce a poem for each category...and filled up an entire notebook with all kinds of attempts for each one. I was amazed at how quickly others seemed to churn theirs out...as I was usually squeaking mine in on the last day...after filling up trash bins of paper balls!

I spent countless hours deep in thought...meditation and refection...the result being I found a deeper understanding of my place in this vast universe becoming even more aware of my connection to God and everyone and everything around me...including my 4 guardian angels.✨️🙏✨️

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Thanks for sending the replay so quickly Graham. I was only able to watch parts of the live since I was driving home. I want to say thank you for pushing us to try and to go for it. I had not planned to write a poem each week, writing comes hard for me, but with your prompts and encouragement, I wrote 4 poems They were late, but I am proud of myself for attempting the challenge. Thanks again. 🤗

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Thank you Graham for January's writing challenge. Looking forward to the next one and hopefully will share next time. 😀

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Thank you Graham. I really enjoyed participating in this challenge. When I was in high school I loved to dabble in writing poetry. I gave it up for many years because I was told by my English teacher that I was wasting my time, I was not good at writing. I tried again when I was older and again was told I was wasting my time. So after joining this amazing group of people, I thought I'd try again. This time I was encouraged and not shot down. During this challenge I really had to let down my walls and become very vulnerable. I am pleased with the outcome of my poems and I hope the reader was able to see what I saw while writing them.

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This was wonderful last night! Hearing the emotion of the authors as they read is impactful. I finally worked up the courage to share for the first time but think I may have put my "1" on my desktop connection and not my phone by mistake, as I had both open. All good, as I crossed the hurdle of trying, which was a huge step for me. Part of growing. I have always loved writing but never, ever thought of trying poetry. This has opened up a new world for me, and I love the process. I have a special poetry binder now with my first four poems in it! Thank you so, so much for doing this, Graham.

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graham this was an incredible live last night i loved hearing all the poems that were read. they were all beautifully written and from the heart. i have to say i’m a bit biased to my lunch bunch girls poems. i did not participate in this challenge as you know putting my thoughts down on paper is not easy for me and seeing everyone getting there’s in so quickly i couldn’t possibly have one done in a weeks time. i did however read all the poems each week. then when i saw your video clip of gail’s poem this morning it blew me away every clip went with every phrase of her poem truly a magical piece. thank you graham for giving everyone a chance to share their thoughts and dreams. ❤️

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