It's so interesting how life sometimes stops us in our tracks 👣 so God can redirect us according to a higher plan. 🙏 Pain is certainly a great leveller. The past few months have seen me buffeted by the flow of God's original plan for my life. I am just reemerging after a 5 month struggle with physical pain - which, I believe, was happening 'for' me. In the midst of this I found that much of what I had envisioned in the past was no longer a high priority- the path had now taken a new direction- and I was content to allow it to unfold according to God's timing rather than mine.

I am so glad to hear that you are now fully recovered from your injury, and that this enforced resting time has given you the space to adjust your future goals, whilst still following your heart.

In my experience, it is often what happens as a result of what appears to us to be a setback, that launches us forward into an even better plan. Always remembering that God is working all things together for our greatest good - and relaxing into that fact.

Many blessings 🙌 🙏 ✨️

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Interesting question! Having been raised a PK, my beliefs and guidance have never been in question. I seek and accept God's guidance without doubt in my daily life, but perhaps I take that guidance for granted when it comes to long-term and larger goals. Something I need to explore further! Thanks, Graham for your insight and for sharing your experiences!

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As I contemplate this topic further I realize that one of my long term goals is to share my thoughts and beliefs with my kids. They were raised going to Sunday school and church, belonging to youth group, etc. and yet they don't accept God in their lives. I'm not talking about going to church every Sunday, or belonging to a particular group . I just wish that they had faith...in God, in a higher power, something they could turn to for guidance and support. It saddens me to think that they are living without the love and divine light of the lord. Any other parents experiencing this?

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Yes you are not alone. My oldest daughter is not living for the Lord and it breaks my heart. I raised both my children in a God fearing church. I do a lot of interceding on her behalf.

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Keep praying. God will be faithful . Where two or more are gathering in His name, there he will be also. Praying in agreement with you for the saving faith in Jesus Christ, for your children. He has promised to leave the 99 to go after and save the one that is lost. Let that lost lamb be your child. In Jesus precious Name. Amen.

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I love the nuance you lean into here. "Asking more beautiful questions" is a perfect frame for engaging the process of navigating the spectrum between goals and gratitude... inspiring. Thanks for sharing your process!

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In my life I have found listening to God and letting Him lead you in life is the only way. Faith that God leads has gotten me through many things over my 68 years.

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Hi there Graham, so happy to learn the ankle injury is healed, and that you wrote this newsletter, it is wonderful learning more about the life journey GOD HAS PLANNED, You are an amazing man, I agree with the THC members, sure am looking forward to SEEING you and your travelers when your pursue the next adventure, Thank you for sharing this newsletter, please continue with them, love hearing from you

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You are truly inspiring. I look forward to your messages and podcasts, etc. I watched you on Heartland and when I watch a show that I enjoy, I get invested in the people who play the characters that I love. When I started following you on social media and then came across your podcasts and webpage, I was thrilled. I have followed your journey from the beginning and must tell you that you are truly an inspiration to so many. Keep following your journey and thank you for always sharing it. You have no idea how many people you reach with your messages and the love and light that you spread. You are an amazing human!!

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Graham, God really loves you and I truly believe that many are called but there are the select few are chosen. The chosen are those who want to know and follow the true God. You told me you were seeking guidance this year. You have found your guide you just need to accept him by name. He is the one who is choosing you. I have seen your growth and know God’s ways are not our ways. God loves questions but hates our idols. Put those aside that don’t know Him and you will find His guidance superior to anyone else’s. Let Him be your preference remain open to ideas. Happy trails.

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Love your honesty and reading your life experiences and how you handle life. Sometimes we are handed things in life that hurt so bad that it's hard to climb back out of a hole. Life can be so beautiful and dark. Taking a step back and looking at things through a fresh perspective can help but is hard to do when you feel alone. If we're lucky, we have good friends, family and outside sources such as you and the people you interview to help. Thank you. Hope you get to travel next year and are able to share that trip. ❤️

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Thank you for sharing this with us. God's blessings on you. I love hearing the word group for when/if you decide to head on your trip. As I recently put in a dm to you, I have always and will always trust you, have admiration for you, and care about you. Your "listening" gift has been and continues to be a tremendous gift to me.

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I have found that the more I read the Bible, the closer I am to Christ. The decisions I make, I try to align with what the scriptures teach. Finding a Bible believing, teaching church and faithfully attending and serving will change your life. Praise and prayer to the heavenly Father makes every day better. If you believe and depend on Him ,He will carry you through the rough days. He has carried me for 82 years.God Bless.

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Yes. You said it perfectly Mrs. Dot.

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Good to hear your ankle is 100%, you are back to enjoying life, listening to your heart and taking time to plan your the road trip. Sharing adventures with others adds to the experience. Will be looking forward to hearing about where your journey will take you!

Graham, I have been practicing something similar to the backward review process for almost two years now. I start my day journaling 3 things I appreciate, at least one of them is something the day is going to bring me. At the end of the day I journal about those things, did my day include time for expressing gratitude, listening for guidance, what kind of day was it, how did I feel about my day, current emotional state, or a general overview/ refocus of goals, self talk. I have found this process has been valuable for me, especially when going through the challenges that happen along life’s journey. The moments of silence/ reflection at beginning and ending of my day are my listening to my heart/ inner guide time. Continued blessings to you!

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Everything is in Gods hands,we can dream,plan,want in our lives and wish it all comes true but ultimately it’s up to God and what he thinks, knows exactly what we need whether we realize it or not.

So many things happen in our lives that we don’t understand we ask ourselves why , so we have to stop, breathe, cry and pray . Take a few minutes hours stop thinking breathe and listen and God gives you the answer, whether we like it or not but it’s how we accept it.

Thank You Graham beautifully said .

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Hi Graham- I always enjoy hearing about your life journey and what you’re learning and experiencing! It’s always so insightful and encouraging. Thank you for sharing with us!

I’m really delving into my own story and family of origin to develop and grow and I’m very curious to know if you had a deeply spiritual, soul searching and meaningful reflection modeled for you growing up? Did someone teach you this way or was it a very natural bent that you have always has? I’d love to hear if that’s ok with you

Again, thank you for all that you share with us! It’s so inspiring.



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Definitely moving towards God is the solution. In Jeremiah 29:11 God says

“For I know the plans I have for you “ declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.


I’m so relieved that your ankle was not broken 😞

Thank you Graham for this newsletter. I can’t wait to see the plans God has for you. God Bless you more and more!

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It brings me much happiness to see that you are on this “journey of searching.” I believe all people are on or will be on this path at some point in their lives. My daughter had an ankle injury years ago that required surgery—and she was a dancer. Having to give that up (or the thought of it) was extremely painful for her. Of course, both physically and emotionally. But spiritually? She grew leaps and bounds! When she sat or laid for months, she had to dig deep because what WAS sustaining her (endless routines/practices/carb loading) wasn’t able to do that any longer. My daughter, has had her own faith in God for a long time, yet THIS injury made her lean into her faith in a much bigger way. What she found is that God is way bigger than she thought. Her relationship with Jesus became so strong that she began to glow to those around her. Leading worship at church and rehearsing for that replaced what she thought was lost. God honored her wise decision. Eight months later, after the doctors told her she’d never dance again, she proved her God WAS bigger and finished out her dance career on a huge high note! Now, she gives Him all the glory —not just for being able to dance again, but more importantly the injury that caused her to pause and realize that He truly is the greatest decision one can ever make in life. Nothing will EVER fill a hole that Jesus is meant to fill and she came to that decision on her own. I hope and pray, sir, you are on that journey that leads to the cross. There, you will find total freedom and a peace you can’t put into words.

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Praise the Lord. Thank you for sharing this!!🙌🙌🙌

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Thanks Graham for such wonderful insights into your thought processes and keeping us abreast of “where’s Graham?” I’m sure whatever you do is with great thought, deliberation and consideration of others you touch, you reach out to and who listen to your thoughtful words and actions. I wish you only the best, the peace that you seek inside and the wisdom to turn thoughts into meaningful actions. We of course continue to enjoy the inspiration and journey you take us on along your path! Thanks sincerely !

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